Saturday, 28 May 2011

2 things i am looking forward too in JUNE :D


Now the month of May has been hecktick for me because i have had exams all month and they are now finally finished :)!

I dont have much to say thats interesting that has happened in my life in May but i have just realised that in June there are quite a few things i am looking forward too.

Im going to start with T.V

I am a HUGE True Blood fan and HBO have been releasing LOTS and LOTS of promos for season 4 and i am just so excited Now im going to show you my favourite promo picture i love it because its simple and it is true i am HOOKED !!!! It says here down below that it starts June 26th this is a us promo and i am not sure if this goes for every country i think the UK get it a week later...

The second show i am MEGA excited about is the return of Pretty Little Liars  all i can say to this show is WOW! It is the best murder mystery/teen drama i have watched it returns June 12th i think ? and here is the promo which has been released for season 2 it shows the four girls (Hanna,Emily,Spencer and Aria) having a tea party looking dirty and muddy with a spade under the table looks to me like they have been digging up some dirty secrets or maybe a coffin?hmmmm Cant wait for this :D

Tuesday, 10 May 2011



Who Wants To Star In My Blog- KINKY MAY ;D

Hello Bitches ;D     Sorry to my few readers who aint heard of me for like a week but busy busy time for me  (especially that weekend there)   Now im on here to do my first blog of MAY HOORAY !

Im starting a new Thang ;D Its called Who wants to star in my blog  Basicaly its me telling you who has begged me to be in my blog in the month so far :D

And the winner is...............Shannon McDaid!

5 reasons why Shannon won
She SCREAMS Borland when necessary.
She likes to get down and dirty in conversation ;D
She likes ROCK music ;D
Her dream job to own her own cyber brothel with hours on end of cam whoring for money

Shannon is also selling an ELTON JOHN  Ticket for £73 because the cunt she was going with fell out with her for no reason the name lies behinf that black box highlight to see it :D (clare mcgonigle) Gig is in Glasgow somewhere  Im guessing the CATTY ;D  Jessica Fleming likes there so interested add or phone 01505502892 and ask for collette ;D

Thanks For reading XOXOX Nathan ;D  

Saturday, 30 April 2011

What happened to me in the month of April ? :D

I have decided to start something new with my blog. At the end of each month i am going to share with you what are the most interesting things to happen to me in the month we are in and also give an overall on what interesting things i have bought or places i have went :)!

Friday 1st April : Clearly April Fools day and the start to a favourite month of mines because April in french translates to Avril! It was the start of the easter holidays for me which ment two weeks free of school and the birth of this blog.

Wednesday 20th April: Gossip Girl came back on ITV2 (Yes im a HUGE fan of the upper east side!)

Friday 22nd April: My cousin Laceys first birthday (I did a blog on that check it out)

Saturday 23rd April: Me and the family took a shopping trip to braehead shopping centre Glasgow I bought myself some stuff for a change. i got 3 jumpers from Primark one of which looks almost designer :D And i went into waterstones and bought myself the skins book (yet to read it)


Thursday 28th April: My exam study leave starts which means my first exam (maths) is this wednesday 4th May.

Thank you for reading my blog this month and i hope you do keep following this i have LOTS to come in May so stay tuned Nathan x!

Friday, 22 April 2011

Happy Birthday Lacey :D!

Happy 1st Birthday Lacey Waite !

Born a year ago today at 12:16pm !

Have a nice day :Dxxxxxx

Nathan :)!x

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Shall we reveal WHO is being a WHORE !


"SMILE" for Avril 's NEW ! single :)

Avril Lavigne just literally (15 minutes ago) revealed the new single off her album "Goodbye Lullaby". Its called "SMILE" :D!!!!!.

Personally I LOVE this song its been a favourite of mines ever since she released her album and I am very excited to see the video for it. I can tell its going to be totally different to all her other videos :) !!

Avril just posted this on facebook :)

Avril Lavigne 
"SMILE" On the set of my new music video!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have not heard the song im going to post the link below it is one of the few upbeat songs off her album and the message to go with the song is about her current Boyfriend "Brody Jenner" (The right) and how he has made her smile and happy the past few months Hence the name of the song :D  Thanks for reading and enjoy the song :)XXNathan Remember SMILE for Avril :):D!!!!!!!!