I have decided to start something new with my blog. At the end of each month i am going to share with you what are the most interesting things to happen to me in the month we are in and also give an overall on what interesting things i have bought or places i have went :)!
Friday 1st April : Clearly April Fools day and the start to a favourite month of mines because April in french translates to Avril! It was the start of the easter holidays for me which ment two weeks free of school and the birth of this blog.
Wednesday 20th April: Gossip Girl came back on ITV2 (Yes im a HUGE fan of the upper east side!)
Friday 22nd April: My cousin Laceys first birthday (I did a blog on that check it out)
Saturday 23rd April: Me and the family took a shopping trip to braehead shopping centre Glasgow I bought myself some stuff for a change. i got 3 jumpers from Primark one of which looks almost designer :D And i went into waterstones and bought myself the skins book (yet to read it)
Thursday 28th April: My exam study leave starts which means my first exam (maths) is this wednesday 4th May.
Thank you for reading my blog this month and i hope you do keep following this i have LOTS to come in May so stay tuned Nathan x!