Saturday, 28 May 2011

2 things i am looking forward too in JUNE :D


Now the month of May has been hecktick for me because i have had exams all month and they are now finally finished :)!

I dont have much to say thats interesting that has happened in my life in May but i have just realised that in June there are quite a few things i am looking forward too.

Im going to start with T.V

I am a HUGE True Blood fan and HBO have been releasing LOTS and LOTS of promos for season 4 and i am just so excited Now im going to show you my favourite promo picture i love it because its simple and it is true i am HOOKED !!!! It says here down below that it starts June 26th this is a us promo and i am not sure if this goes for every country i think the UK get it a week later...

The second show i am MEGA excited about is the return of Pretty Little Liars  all i can say to this show is WOW! It is the best murder mystery/teen drama i have watched it returns June 12th i think ? and here is the promo which has been released for season 2 it shows the four girls (Hanna,Emily,Spencer and Aria) having a tea party looking dirty and muddy with a spade under the table looks to me like they have been digging up some dirty secrets or maybe a coffin?hmmmm Cant wait for this :D

Tuesday, 10 May 2011



Who Wants To Star In My Blog- KINKY MAY ;D

Hello Bitches ;D     Sorry to my few readers who aint heard of me for like a week but busy busy time for me  (especially that weekend there)   Now im on here to do my first blog of MAY HOORAY !

Im starting a new Thang ;D Its called Who wants to star in my blog  Basicaly its me telling you who has begged me to be in my blog in the month so far :D

And the winner is...............Shannon McDaid!

5 reasons why Shannon won
She SCREAMS Borland when necessary.
She likes to get down and dirty in conversation ;D
She likes ROCK music ;D
Her dream job to own her own cyber brothel with hours on end of cam whoring for money

Shannon is also selling an ELTON JOHN  Ticket for £73 because the cunt she was going with fell out with her for no reason the name lies behinf that black box highlight to see it :D (clare mcgonigle) Gig is in Glasgow somewhere  Im guessing the CATTY ;D  Jessica Fleming likes there so interested add or phone 01505502892 and ask for collette ;D

Thanks For reading XOXOX Nathan ;D